Impolite 中文
To refuse an invitation is impolite. 不礼貌的:imperfect 不完美的 |impolite 不礼貌的 | impossible 不可能的 對自己或者自己的圈內人表達的傲慢或者自夸都是不禮貌的。 it is impolite to stare at a stranger. His denial of our request seemed very impolite.

impolite 中文. It is impolite to refuse it. It is impolite to get a word in. His denial of our request seemed very impolite. It is impolite to be late or absent without asking for a leave. Pydict data [pydict] impolite ( a.)無禮的,粗魯的 來源 (2):. Be impolite to 中文翻譯 : 對…不友善.
Debauched And Impolite 中文翻譯 : 放恣失儀.
It is impolite to refuse it. Impolite encounters 中文翻譯 : 非常套用語. How to use impolite in a sentence.
It Is Impolite To Be Arrogant And Brag About Oneself Or One「Sinner Circle.
It is impolite to get a word in. The meaning of impolite is not polite : Pydict data [pydict] impolite ( a.)無禮的,粗魯的 來源 (2):.
Debauched And Impolite中文翻译 放恣失仪 Impolite Encounters中文翻译 非常套用语 Impolite Jack中文翻译 没礼貌的.
This is an accepted practice and not considered at all impolite. To refuse an invitation is impolite. Be impolite to 中文翻譯 : 對…不友善.
It Is Impolite To Point At People.
他不仅仅 不 貌 ,而 无 透顶。. Impolite /ɪmpəl, ɑɪt/ 共發現 5 筆關於 [impolite] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源 (1): 對自己或者自己的圈內人表達的傲慢或者自夸都是不禮貌的。 it is impolite to stare at a stranger.
It’s Impolite To Make A Tardy Appearance.
It is impolite for one to urge other people to drink in the west. I'm beth, marty's extremely impolite wife. Impolite language / behaviour 粗魯的語言/行為.