抵制 英文

Furthermore, the classical philosophers found out, by successive steps, that. 聯合抵制交易concerted refusal to deal ; The ordeal of virtue is to resist all temptation to evil. So this is a really offensive word.

抵制 英文
【抵制蘋果人人有責】吳文遠眾籌《蘋果》登廣告 梁振英笑稱有兩大作用 望對方繼續宣傳以英文登報「抵制蘋果」 焦點新聞 港人講地

抵制 英文. So this is a really offensive word. 地道翻译: 中文:抵制不良行为 英文: 1.resist the behaviour which againsts morality. The ordeal of virtue is to resist all temptation to evil. 参考例句: dyes have to be more resistant to ozone. It's probably one of the worst words that can be used against an asian person. 抵制,抵抗 英文翻譯 : stand uto 抵制,抗拒 英文翻譯 : resist v.

参考例句: Dyes Have To Be More Resistant To Ozone.

(boycott) 博伊科特(人名) resist 英 [rɪˈzɪst] 美 [rɪˈzɪst] vi. Consumers boycott ting hsin products after latest oil scandal. 抵制,抵抗英文翻译 stand uto 抵制,抗拒英文翻译 resist v.

Furthermore, The Classical Philosophers Found Out, By Successive Steps, That.

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地道翻译: 中文:抵制不良行为 英文: 1.resist the behaviour which againsts morality. 而新疆生产建设兵团的机採棉业务始于1996年,当时主要使用美制 约翰迪尔 及 凯斯 (英语:case ih) 两个品牌的 採棉机 (英语:cotton picker) [6] ,2018年起中国大陆本土品牌採棉. It's pretty much on the same level as.

抵制,抵抗 英文翻譯 : Stand Uto 抵制,抗拒 英文翻譯 : Resist V.

抵抗, 抵制 英文翻譯 : stick up to 抵制,抵抗 英文翻譯 : stand uto 抵制,抗拒 英文翻譯 : resist v. Force oneself not to accept 抵制,排斥 英文翻譯 : repel 抵制的 英文翻譯 :. 参考例句: dyes have to be more resistant to ozone.

It's Probably One Of The Worst Words That Can Be Used Against An Asian Person.

The ordeal of virtue is to resist all temptation to evil. So this is a really offensive word. Force oneself not to accept 抵制,排斥 英文翻譯 : repel 抵制的 英文翻譯 : resistance to 拒絕,抵制 英文翻譯 :.

(阻止不良的行为) 2.Prevent The Wicked Deed.(阻止 不道德/缺德 的行为) 第二。.

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Force oneself not to accept 抵制,排斥英文翻译 repel 抵制的英文翻译 resistance to 拒绝,抵制英文翻译 rejection 初级抵. Boycott 英 [ˈbɔɪkɒt] 美 [ˈbɔɪkɑːt] v. 【抵制】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:boycott聯合抵制; 抵制(貨物等); 拒絕參加;stem the torrent of抵制,反對,阻止;repel擊退; 使厭惡; 抵制; 使不愉快; 排斥,(磁極間).

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