發包 英文
We decided to contract out these tasks. The construction quality of contractor shall be approved in written by client. She bound up her hair in a large handkerchief. Vendors refer to themselves as partners.

發包 英文. 《englishclass 101》講師 alisha 在 youtube 上面列舉了 send. The construction quality of contractor shall be approved in written by client. Vendors refer to themselves as partners. We decided to contract out these tasks. ^^ 我找一篇給 翻譯公司試翻 不知那位可行? 因為自已的英文很爛 12/16/2006. Bcwp budgeted cost for work.
Bcws Budgeted Cost For Work Scheduled (預訂施工進度或合約請款金額) 50.
《englishclass 101》講師 alisha 在 youtube 上面列舉了 send. She bound up her hair in a large handkerchief. Many of the work of this company is outsourced to cooperating manufacturers.
We Keep All The Packaging Materials In The Storage Room.
機械採購發包好做麼 工程發包的”發包”英文要怎麼講?台東縣政府發包中心 沖壓模具發包線切割廠 工程發包 發包網 批發包包商 如果我自己發包工程應該比價嗎 空污費誤列入工程施工費中發. ^^ 我找一篇給 翻譯公司試翻 不知那位可行? 因為自已的英文很爛 12/16/2006. Bcwp budgeted cost for work.
學術名詞 工程圖學 Contract Drawing 契約圖,發包圖;
Vendors refer to themselves as partners. 3 137 mark (n.) 記號 138 mask (n.) 光罩 139 material (n.) 原料 140 measure (v.) 量測 141 merge (v.) 合併 142 message (n.) 訊息 We decided to contract out these tasks.
The Construction Quality Of Contractor Shall Be Approved In Written By Client.
發包人 英文翻譯 : contract letting party;